Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Novena in Honor of Saint Clare of Assisi

Wow. I can't believe it's been so long since I've written anything here.

There have been challenging times, but I must say, my devotion to Francis and Clare has not wained. They have sustained me and given me hope, sustenance, and love during the most difficult of days. 

Perhaps there may be more on that to come, but for today, I share with you the prayer offered to me by the Poor Clares of Spokane Washington: an invitation to join them in praying a Novena Prayer in honor of St. Clare from August 3-11.

Novena Prayer in Honor of St. Clare
Heavenly Father your love comes to us in many ways and through many persons. We ask you today that we may be channels of your love for others so like St. Clare our hearts may be wide open to the needs of the world, even as they are lofted up in praise of your goodness and mercy.

We ask you to use us as you used St. Clare to make your glory known and your love understood and accepted. We make this prayer through Jesus, your son and our Lord, who lives and rules with you and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen

Prayer is courtesy of New Orleans Poor Clares

Franciscan Monastery of Saint Clare, 4419 N Hawthorne St, Spokane, WA 99205, USA